Funny Location Tag for Clothing Brand

We Wouldn't Cut These Clothing Tags Off

We love it when clothing manufacturers decide to go the extra mile to make their products special. These eagle-eyed shoppers noticed that their favorite t-shirts, sweaters, and pairs of pants had some secret messages embroidered into the tags! Sometimes they offer serious life advice, while others are simply designed to make you smile. Check out this list of 40+ clothing tags that we would definitely never cut off.

Don't Be That Guy

If you're out and about on a hot summer's day, it can be tempting to remove some layers. Some gentlemen take it a little bit too far, deciding to go topless when walking down the street or running errands. Come on, don't be that guy.

Don't Be That Guy

The only places where it's acceptable to take your shirt off — by the pool, at the beach, or in the bath. No one wants to see your hairy bellybutton when they're browsing the frozen food aisle.

Try on a Small

This is another lowkey insulting tag found on a clothing item! The customer couldn't believe their eyes when they were about to try on their t-shirt and found this offensive message written directly on the tag. It says, "Size xtra-large. Try on a small. Come on, it'll be funny."

Try on a Small

While the manufacturers may have thought that this was a clever joke, we can see how someone could be easily upset by their harsh choice of words. Body shaming is never cool.

Remove Child Before Washing

All parents will know that it's highly important to read the care instructions on kid's clothes. You have to ensure that the materials are safe for their delicate skin. Plus, kids ruin so many items of clothing, that it can be expensive to replace them when they are not taken care of properly.

Remove Child Before Washing

The designer of this item decided to have a bit of fun when writing the tag copy! Always remember to remove your child before washing their clothes.

Don't Slap Pandas

When this person bought their new t-shirt from Redbubble, they found a piece of unusual life advice written on the tag. Alongside all of the usual laundry symbols and garment care instructions, there was a small line at the bottom of the tag reading, "Don't slap pandas."

Don't Slap Pandas

While we can't say that we've ever been in a situation that warrants such a decision, we'll take the advice on board. Plus, pandas are way too cute to put in harm's way.

For Worst Results

This one is pretty funny. We've all seen the phrase 'for best results' written on a clothing tag, as manufacturers and designers want to guarantee customer satisfaction and ensure that their products are being kept in pristine condition.

For Worst Results

However, this brand decided to poke some fun at this tradition by suggesting what NOT to do with their garment. If you want your clothes to look socially acceptable, do not drag through a puddle behind car and dry on roof rack.

Mom's the Word

Apparently, all moms are laundry experts. You'd be forgiven for rolling your eyes at this ridiculous clothing tag. The makers of this garment have cheekily poked fun at traditional gender roles. Whilst it may be a little old fashioned, some people will definitely find it relatable.

Mom's the Word

If your mom is a clean freak, she will probably laugh if you show her this tag! Plus, how many of you have ruined a perfectly good item of clothing by washing it incorrectly?

Share the Load

Contrary to the previous one, this clever clothing tag suggests that washing clothes is not an exclusively feminine activity! As well as containing all of the usual info — such as care symbols and washing instructions — this company decided to include an inclusive message on their tag.

Share the Load

It says, "Can be washed by both men and women #sharetheload," an apt slogan for the 21st century. We love the positive and inclusive vibes. Washing clothes is for everyone! Who loves doing laundry?

Keeping it Clean

We don't know who needs to hear this, but personal hygiene is important. We've all endured those awkward moments in which we've noticed that work colleagues or friends smell a little bit ripe. Do you tell them? Or keep quiet to save their embarrassment?

Keeping it Clean

Everyone can avoid these awkward dilemmas by making sure that they shower or bathe on a regular basis. You have to scrub from head to toe. If you need a reminder, check the tag of these jeans.

Tested on Animals

This silly t-shirt tag will definitely make even the most serious person crack a smile. It's true that testing cosmetics or household products on animals is a cruel and controversial practice. However, no one said anything about letting our furry friends try on clothes.

Tested on Animals

The manufacturer of this top must have been feeling witty when they drafted up the copy for this inner tag, as it states, "These t-shirts were tested on animals. They didn't fit." Just don't tell PETA.

First Date Outfit

Going on a first date is a truly nerve-wracking experience. Firstly, you worry about maintaining a decent conversation. Then, if the date involves getting food, there is another host of stress-inducing factors to think about. Do you order something that makes you seem sophisticated and cultured?

First Date Outfit

Do you have spinach in your teeth? Do you split the check or does someone offer to pay? This t-shirt offers a solution to possibly the biggest first date dilemma — what will you wear?

Do Not Feed After Midnight

This is one for all of the Gremlins fans out there. The manufacturer of this t-shirt decided to have a little bit of fun when writing the text for the tag. Hidden underneath all of the boring garment care instructions and symbols, is a stark note of caution.

Do Not Feed After Midnight

Do not feed this t-shirt after midnight. Also, don't get it wet and never expose it to sunlight. If you fail to heed their warning, who knows what perils could be unleashed?

Rules of Christmas

Christmas is the one time of year when it's socially acceptable to be a total slob. Ditching the usual boring information on washing machine temperatures and drying instructions, this t-shirt tag gives the wearers some clear advice for the festive season — "Take it easy. Relax. Eat, drink, and be merry. Do not diet. Smile."

Rules of Christmas

Make sure to listen to these instructions if you and your loved ones celebrate Christmas or any holiday, for that matter. It's the most wonderful time of the year, after all.

First-Person Perspective

You'd be forgiven for thinking that you were going crazy if your t-shirt started talking to you. The makers of this garment decided to put a personal spin on their manufacturing and write their tag entirely in the first-person voice.

First-Person Perspective

So, before you pull this t-shirt on over your head, you are greeted with a friendly message. It's certainly a fun and unique way to market your designs. Also, the clever writing is sure to give you a laugh.

Know Your Style

This tee offers some sage advice for its wearers, beyond the usual garment care tips. It suggests that you "know your style" and "wash after wearing." However, we're not sure if this is supposed to be a fun marketing tool or a way of insulting the customer.

Know Your Style

We would suggest not gifting this t-shirt to your more sensitive loved ones, or else they may think you're insulting their style AND calling them smelly. The gas mask is a tad extreme.

This One Is for the Nerds

Coding geeks, rejoice. This t-shirt provides a clever HTML reference that will delight computer nerds and confuse their friends and family. Whether you're a coding pro or you used to edit your own Tumblr themes, this clever "</tag>" will definitely make you smile.

This One Is for the Nerds

The t-shirt also warns that it is "for external use only" and "not dishwasher safe," which is pretty weird. However, it makes a change from the usual boring instructions printed on the tag of clothing items.

Made in Lithuania (Sorry, China)

This weird and wonderful clothing tag has made the list for a host of reasons. Firstly, it features a tiny embroidered version of the confused Jackie Chan meme. Secondly, it lists a bunch of potential scenarios in which the garment should be worn, such as "walking, cycling, traveling, sleeping, partying, flying."

Made in Lithuania (Sorry, China)

It also contains social media links and various jokes and witty quips, giving it a fun edge when compared to the boring tags that typically adorn items of clothing.

100% Fake Elephant

The tag on this sweater is both adorable and confusing. The brand decided to clarify that while it may be a beautiful shade of slate gray, it is definitely not made from elephants. No animals were harmed in the making of this garment!

100% Fake Elephant

Although, if you wanted to know which material it was made from, you are out of luck. It simply states that it is "100% fake elephant, made from fake elephant stuff." Be careful not to shrink it!

Lost in Translation

We don't know what's funnier. The obvious typo that made it into the tag of this garment, or the fact that the designers assume that everyone has a maid.

Lost in Translation

While the makers of this t-shirt initially provided some useful information in relation to washing and taking care of it, they finished off their copy with a lame attempt at a joke. Whether it was a typing mistake or a case of broken English, the gag didn't quite land. Oops.

Wash This When Dirty

This funny clothing tag is simple, effective, and straight to the point. Rather than giving any specific instructions on how to care for the garment (such as water temperatures for washing or information on the specific materials used), this t-shirt tag simply reads, "Wash when dirty."

Wash This When Dirty

We have to say that this one made us laugh. You can't argue with that message! This would be a good gift for those lazy people in our lives who hate doing laundry.

No Sumo Wrestling

Have you ever experienced that awkward moment when you go to compete in a sumo wrestling championship, but you realize that you are wearing a completely inappropriate outfit? No? Just us? Okay, then.

No Sumo Wrestling

The makers of this funny tee decided to prevent such uncomfortable scenarios by specifically warning against wearing their garment during sumo wrestling. This is one ridiculous tag that is sure to make you smile when you are getting dressed in the morning for work or school.

Safety Dance Fans

On first inspection, this may seem like a regular clothing tag. It has the signature garment care symbols, the location in which it was made, information on the materials used, and instructions for washing the item.

Safety Dance Fans

However, if you look closely you will also see a reference to the classic single "Safety Dance" released in 1982 by Men Without Hats. You can dance if you want to, you can leave your friends behind, but do not bleach or tumble dry.

Size M for Manly

Have you ever had your masculinity questioned by a t-shirt? Now you have. This piece of fabric has an attitude, as evidenced by the slightly insulting text printed on the inner tag. It says, "Size 'm' for manly. Just like you hope to be someday."

Size M for Manly

Be careful if you buy this t-shirt for a friend or family member as a gift, because they may feel slightly insulted. If they have a decent sense of humor, though, they may appreciate it.

I Have Dental Pain

This one is completely inexplicable. For some reason, the manufacturer of this garment decided to include a strange message when they were designing the tag. Imagine how the owner of these pants felt when they were checking the tag while doing laundry.

I Have Dental Pain

All they wanted to do was check whether or not they could put the pants in the dryer, when they were confronted with this weird message — "I have dental pain." Hopefully, they made it to the dentist.

Short Person Privileges

This is another weird clothing tag that offers a piece of strange, unwarranted advice. It can be tough to fly the nest, especially in this economy. This clothing tag offers some hope for any home-birds out there, as it suggests, "The smaller you are, the more room there is in your parents' basement."

Short Person Privileges

What an interesting remark. Shout out to all of the short people out there who can save money on rent and still enjoy their mama's home cooking.

Simple Care Instructions

When you see the words 'care instructions' written on a clothing tag, this is not what you expect. Instead of telling you how to wash and dry your garment, the makers of this piece of clothing decided to include some sweet self-care suggestions.

Simple Care Instructions

This gesture is especially appreciated in 2020, as life can be incredibly challenging for a number of social, economic, and political factors. Remember to worry less, dance often, and be like water — as Bruce Lee said.

Made in Heaven

While clothing tags usually mention the country in which they were manufactured, it's clear that this garment was truly out of this world! The tag states, "Made in Heaven," so expect nothing less than perfection from this angelic item of clothing.

Made in Heaven

Whether the color flawlessly matches your skin tone or the fit flatters your body in all the right places, sometimes you try on a dress, t-shirt, or pair of pants that truly feels like it was sent from above.

Use the Force

Lurking beneath the garment care instructions and brand information on this t-shirt lies a warning that is sure to thrill any wannabe Jedis out there. It says, "Made in the USA. 100% ringspun cotton. Machine wash cold and tumble dry low. May increase your ability to move things using the Force."

Use the Force

This Star Wars t-shirt is perfect for the young at heart or any kids out there who are big fans of the franchise. May the Force be with you.

Salad Dressing Recipe

This is another random clothing tag that we simply cannot explain. Instead of describing the fabric or instructions on how to wash or dry the garment, the designer of this item decided to include a full recipe for salad dressing.

Salad Dressing Recipe

If you have ever wanted to create your own salad dressing from scratch, then you're in luck. But, if you are wondering what material your new t-shirt is made out of, you'll have to look elsewhere. Suddenly, we're craving salad.

Happy People in Matching Socks

It's great when a company goes the extra mile to show that they have created their garment in an ethical way. The makers of this item have used the tag as an opportunity to explain how the customers are supporting independent designers, whilst also stressing that the printers work in a positive and fulfilling environment.

Happy People in Matching Socks

The copywriting style is silly and fun, stating, "carefully printed by happy people in matching socks. What's not to love?" Indeed! What a cute tag.

Please Feed Pigeons

This clever clothing tag adds a whole new meaning to the term "care instructions." Instead of advising the customer on how to wash and dry their item without ruining it, they give some tips on how to care for animals! This would make a perfect gift for any animal-loving family member or friend.

Please Feed Pigeons

It says, "Please feed pigeons. Save the snails. Be nice to hamsters and other gerbils." We have to agree with these cute tips. Animals are our pals!

Behave Like an Animal

Whoever is hired as a copywriter for this brand was clearly having a good day when they wrote this tag. Instead of simply describing the care instructions in a typically boring and matter-of-fact way, this tag takes a funny and lighthearted approach.

Behave Like an Animal

If you want to take care of this tee, just make sure to wash it in cold water, avoid tumble drying or ironing, and keep it away from bleach! And, er, behave like an animal. Whatever that means.

Do Not Use as Pants

This clothing tag may appear fairly standard at first. It describes the material as 100% cotton. It advises the customer to machine wash on a cold setting, tumble dry on a low heat — and it provides the corresponding symbols.

Do Not Use as Pants

However, hidden in the midst of the boring factual information is a clever quip that is sure to make you smile — "Do not use as pants." While we can't tell what type of garment this is, it's still a pretty funny line.

Inspired by Deep Fjords

We all know that perfume ads are notorious for describing their products in a dramatic, over the top fashion. The copywriter for this brand has taken a similar approach, as they describe the various influences for the design of this item of clothing.

Inspired by Deep Fjords

It states, "Pants inspired by deep fjords, a few cocktails, and a grandmother with exquisite taste." It's safe to say that these are definitely not things that we would usually associate with a simple pair of pants.

Calling All Geeks

While this brand 'Think Geek' maintains that it produces "stuff for smart masses," the instructions on this tag seem to contradict their claim. It states, "Not dishwasher safe. For external use only. Contents may be hot."

Calling All Geeks

First of all, if you are trying to wash your t-shirt in the dishwasher, you're definitely not the smartest cookie. That also goes for anyone who tries to wear a garment on the inside of their body. How would that even work? We're confused.

Do Not Wear Alone

"Do not wear alone" is just one of the quirky instructions embroidered into the tag of this item of clothing. It also warns the user to not wear the item while operating heavy machinery, which is kind of random.

Do Not Wear Alone

Maybe the garment is super soft and snuggly and likely to make the user feel sleepy when wearing! It also provides a fun reference for any Monopoly addicts out there, as it warns, "Do not pass 'GO.'" No collecting $200, then!

Stress-Free Tee

It's true, everyone loves a bit of rhyming. The copywriter in charge of writing the tag for this Eastpak t-shirt was having some fun with words when they were working on this t-shirt tag. It states, "If you ain't out to impress, don't stress. Iron once in a lifetime, or less."

Stress-Free Tee

They're a poet and they don't even know it. Although, we would suggest ironing your clothes on a semi-regular basis unless the shabby chic look is your thing, of course.

Sorry About the President

Any French speakers will giggle at this clothing tag! Hidden underneath the usual garment care instructions and material information is a message on behalf of the entire nation of France. It says, "We are sorry that our president is an idiot. We didn't vote for him."

Sorry About the President

It's not exactly what you expect to see when you read the tag of a piece of clothing. Hopefully, members of the French government don't get their hands on this t-shirt, because they won't be pleased.

Hard Core Punk Rock

Even the most crusty punks and hardcore metal-heads need to wash their clothes. The tag of this t-shirt provides helpful information on how to take care of it, whilst also poking fun at the brand's alternative image.

Hard Core Punk Rock

Just above the garment care instructions, you will find a message for all of the rock music fans, reading, "HARDCORE PUNK ROCK AND METAL POWER TOTAL!!" followed by an agonizing scream! While it doesn't make much logical sense, we love the energy!

Tags Are for Clothes Only

The designer of this piece of clothing decided to include a motivational message on the tag. This is guaranteed to give you a confidence boost when you're getting changed in the morning, as it reads, "Don't let anyone put a tag on you."

Tags Are for Clothes Only

It's a bold statement, encouraging the wearer to always be themselves and resist being pigeonholed or judged by others. The only tag that you should accept is the one that tells you how to wash your clothes.

Instructions for Life

The designers of this t-shirt made sure to include all of the boring, basic information on how to care for your garment. It tells the wearer to avoid bleach and fabric softeners, and to machine wash on a cold setting with the t-shirt inside out. However, this is not the only info that they provide.

Instructions for Life

They also take the opportunity to provide the customer with some sage life advice, stating, "lawyer up, delete Facebook, hit the gym." Whatever you say!

Who Designed This?

We know that brand visibility is important when designing clothes, especially for more high profile designers. However, we can't help but think that the Marc Jacobs creative team took this concept a little too far when designing the tag for this item of clothing.

Who Designed This?

The name Marc Jacobs is repeated on this tag six times. Maybe it's a knock-off, or maybe this was a clever marketing decision, designed to pick up publicity. At least everyone will know who designed it.

Moms Know Best

It's important to take care of a tuxedo, as they can be easily creased or ruined by improper washing or drying. Whether it's your wedding day or prom night, you want to make sure that you look super suave.

Moms Know Best

The manufacturers of this tux made sure to include care instructions, telling the wearer to wrap buttons before dry cleaning. They also included the classic line, "or just give it to your mom." While it may seem antiquated, moms know best.

Not Made in China

China is often referred to as 'the world's factory,' as they are known for mass-producing millions of items across many industries. Manufacturing constitutes 27% of China's overall national output, and that's why you will often read "Made in China" on the tag of various household items.

Not Made in China

The manufacturer of this piece of clothing decided to poke fun at the phenomenon, by simply stating that their item was "not made in China." They don't even specify where it was made.

Made With Love

The region of Scandinavia is known for its beautiful population, with their Nordic looks. This Norwegian clothing company decided to make the most of their country's reputation, as their tag states, "Made with love by really, really pretty blonde girls."

Made With Love

While some may view this as a funny joke, others may view this as a tactic to sell their clothes by objectifying women. Either way, it was a successful marketing tactic as it definitely got people talking about the brand.

Call Your Mother

On first glance, you may not even notice the funny piece of copywriting printed on the tag of this item. Instead of suggesting that you ask your mother to wash your clothes, this Washington based clothing brand suggests that you simply give your mom a call.

Call Your Mother

As well as offering life advice, they also suggest that you wash their garment inside out and hang to dry. It's simple, yet effective and definitely makes the brand stand out from the crowd.


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