A List of Basic Things You Need for Mixed Media Art

If yous're looking for mixed media art journal supplies merely don't know where to begin, this blog post will provide some bully tips on how to get started by focusing on which supplies to apply to make astonishing art journal pages. Even if you're a beginner, you'll notice mixed media supplies here that won't overwhelm yous.

What is mixed media art journaling?

Mixed media art journaling is a creative way of making art using many dissimilar media and supplies. Mixed media artists apply the materials they have on hand (like crayons, markers, paint) with other items such as paper scraps or found objects to create fine art that tin be used for various purposes.

Just remember that at that place are no rules in this. Art journaling has no rules, and mixed media is such a wide discipline that yous really tin can't make a error past using something in the procedure.

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Mixed Media Tools

We'll start with mixed media fine art periodical tools. Ever keep them close by then yous can apace grab i if needed during a creative flow or moment of inspiration. I recommend keeping your mixed media art journaling tools in an old shoebox or another container that's easy to access.


art journal supplies paintbrushes

Brushes are inevitable tools when it comes to art journaling. You will find mixed media brushes come in a variety of shapes and sizes. Y'all can employ those that are minor for details or larger to comprehend large areas quickly.

I recommend you lot use two types of brushes: flat and round ones. Flat brushes work well with acrylic paint and circular ones with watercolors.

Again, don't experience pressured to buy them all, ii or 4 is plenty if you desire to experiment with unlike sizes.

Kitchen sponge

dabbing acrylic paint with a sponge

A kitchen sponge is a great mixed media tool for beginners. Information technology'southward cheap, versatile, and easy to use with many different mixed media techniques that include gesso or acrylic paint. Besides, it creates texture when you utilize the dabbing technique with acrylic paint.

Kitchen sponge mixed media techniques:

  • dabbing with acrylic paint
  • making circular motions for a more blended effect
  • mixing different colors on the kitchen sponge for a more than vibrant and textured effect
  • distressing paper edges with acrylic paint (tip: use simply a tiny amount of pigment here)

Palette knife

mixed media art journal supplies

Information technology is some other neat tool for mixed media art journaling, although you might not want to employ it right away if you don't feel comfortable. But this tool gives a great texture and is easy to control.

Yous tin utilize the palette knife with the paint directly on the paper and just spread the paint in all directions.

If you want to try out this technique just don't own the palette knife or don't desire to buy information technology, you can apply an sometime credit/gift bill of fare. The result is quite the same. But remember to clean both tools after you finish spreading the pigment considering acrylic paint is hard to clean after information technology'due south dry out.


A wonderful little tool that will bring joy to your mixed media art journals. It comes in dissimilar sizes and you can create lovely textures with it.

Apply it alone or in combination with other tools. But roll it over your pages (with some paint, of course) and run across the magic happen.

Your fingers

Yes, you can apply your fingers to spread the paint in mixed media art periodical projects. Information technology's fifty-fifty one of the best options if you inquire me. Information technology'southward a great way to have more than command over the paint and you'll feel amazing with pigment on your fingers. Comprehend the mess :).

Pens and Pencils

micron pens

Pens and pencils are equally important as brushes in mixed media. They can be used to add journaling, depict shapes, add together lines, marks, and more.

These are the pens I recommend as a function of your mixed media art journal supplies:

  • Faber-Castell Pitt Artist Pen because information technology is waterproof (important if you spill h2o on the paper), have quick-drying ink for a wide multifariousness of surfaces including textured backgrounds every bit well.
  • Posca Pigment Pens because they are opaque and waterproof, bachelor in many sizes. They can be used on every surface y'all want to draw on including textured backgrounds. They too come in a diverseness of colors that will make your work more colorful and interesting.
  • Micron pens are great for mixed media projects because they're waterproof. They come in different sizes and nibs, so you can also get a brush nib which is corking for textured backgrounds.
  • Stabilo All Pencils are such a peachy tool for outlining, sketching, drawing, and they work on many surfaces. Still, they're non waterproof but this is an astonishing feature because when activated with water, they look similar watercolors.

THE Blank Folio TERRIFIES Y'all

Hit the orange push to join my free Fine art Journal Starter Course and showtime making fine art without staring at the blank page and without the fear of ruining everything. (Spoiler alert: you lot can't ruin anything in art journaling).

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Stencils and stamps

You can create keen textures and patterns with these tools.

Both of these tools will be your perfect choice for making backgrounds in your art journal. At that place's no limit to what you can do with them. You can combine them in various means. Also, you lot can utilize stencils with different tools for different effects (kitchen sponges, brand-up sponges, brushes, palette knives/credit cards).

If you lot use a stencil with acrylic paint and an old credit carte, you lot'll get a raised effect and, of grade, texture.

You can utilise stamps with acrylic pigment equally well, but remember to clean them right abroad.

Stamps are a great tool for creating patterns on the backgrounds.

These are the ink pads I recommend for using with stamps in your mixed media projects:

  • Archival Ink past Ranger – they come in different colors and are waterproof, which is super important for mixed media pages. The black one is the best selection you'll brand for your mixed media supplies.
  • Distress Ink by Ranger – these aren't waterproof but I beloved distressing newspaper with them afterward I've used all my watery paints. They only do the task great.

Scissors and glue

Always have scissors, this is so basic I should've mentioned it in the start paragraph, right? :D.

When it comes to mixed media, glue is ane of the nigh important things. You want your things to stick, right? So what are the good glues for mixed media art journaling?

  • Gum stick – Y'all should try out some of them to see which one y'all similar. I tin recommend the UHU glue stick because it's served me very well over the years. They come in different sizes so you can spread the glue more hands.
  • Distress Collage Medium by Ranger – this is a glue gel that I'thousand using and I'm satisfied with information technology. I mostly apply it for collaging and it does a great job. Also, it creates a layer that prevents the paint from disrupting the layers below. And so, I too utilize it to seal my magazine images and so I can continue working on them and add more layers.
  • Aleene'due south Original Tacky Mucilage – I beloved using this one for small things because it has a small opening and I tin control the glue easily.
  • F-6000 Industrial Strength Adhesive – this mucilage is great for embellies that won't glue downwards with ordinary mucilage, like buttons or lace. It'south actually stiff and can concluding for a long time. Yet, it has a warning near harmful vapors, so merely have that in mind. Use it in a room with an open window and try non to inhale it all the fourth dimension. Also, it's waterproof, non-combustible, and paintable (aye, please!).

Things in your home you tin add to your mixed media art journal supplies

mixed media art supplies sponges

Your habitation is total of mixed media tools and ephemera. You only need to look carefully. I'm going to give you a few examples to inspire your creative search:

  • Toothbrush – you can employ information technology to spray paint onto paper, creating little splashes of pigment or a starry issue.
  • Toilet paper rolls – I'm sure you have these, tight? Use them for stamping with the round edges, or you tin can even put twine around it, dip it in paint and roll them on the paper. This should leave an interesting marker.
  • Straws – use straw ends to stamp small circles, or you can apply them to accident paint around on your page. This works groovy with watercolors and ink, but not acrylic pigment (because it's thick and not watery).
  • Bubble wrap – one of my favorites. Put some paint over it and stamp with it. This creates a wonderful texture and involvement.
  • Baby wipes – a smashing tool for mixed media art. You can spread pigment with them, make clean your supplies, prepare tiny mistakes, etc. Nevertheless, attempt not to apply them too much, information technology but creates large waste. What yous can practice later you've used them to clean paint is to relieve them and exit them to dry. They can be used in other mixed media projects when they're dry.

What paper to use for mixed media?

The paper is a key part of mixed media art journaling. You lot tin can use whatsoever type yous like, but the all-time ones are:

  • Cardstock – this weight will have more texture than thinner papers or watercolor paper.
  • Watercolor Paper – to create subtle textures equally well equally vibrant colors and shades.
  • Mixed media paper – you tin can buy this paper in sets and make an art periodical out of it with simple binding. Or, there are already mixed media fine art journals you lot can get that accept this paper inside.

Hither's some bones info on the kinds of watercolor paper and its uses:

watercolor paper infographic

What paper not to use for mixed media?

I wouldn't recommend these papers for mixed media because they tin bleed or even tear. We use a lot of moisture paint and h2o in mixed media, so using them on sparse paper tin give the states headaches.

  • Notebook pages – the gum and paint will show through and create an ugly effect. This paper won't work well with h2o-based paints or markers.
  • Printer Paper – similar to notebook paper, this blazon of paper is very thin so information technology'south not good for mixed media.

What if I only have thin paper?

Ok, I get that. Yous can try investing in Gesso. It'south used to prime the newspaper before you lot put whatsoever pigment on it. With gesso on the newspaper equally the commencement layer, the paper shouldn't bleed.

However, for example, even gessoing printer paper will still wrinkle the paper because gesso is wet. You become where I'm going? Gesso tin can be wonderful, but I'd rather invest in a periodical that has thicker pages.

But, I accept one more than slice of advice for yous. If you lot still struggle and you don't have gesso or thick newspaper, a good thought is to glue more pages together. That volition make your pages sturdier and won't bleed. The only downside tin can be that while gluing the paper, information technology may contraction and create those bubbles.

However, at that place'south expert news: this can be wonderful for texture. And then, all in all, as you tin encounter, mixed media allows everything and you tin can "get away" with anything. Pretty awesome, right?

Mixed media paints

close up of acrylic paint

In mixed media, annihilation is possible. This means that yous can use whatever paint you have on you. I mean..any kind of paint. Only hither are some favorites that are available near anywhere:

  • Acrylic paint – information technology'southward thick, opaque, vibrant, and comes in many many different colors. I personally dear to utilize them for backgrounds because they give such neat coverage.
  • Watercolor paints – as opposed to acrylic paint, they're translucent and soft. You can create interesting layers with them considering of their transparency.
  • Gouache paint – this is basically a thicker version of watercolor paint. It comes in vibrant colors, too.

There are many other choices. I'k going to list them here, but so you can see that in that location are no limits to mixed media:

  • Gelatos – these are like watercolor paints but in crayon class. They come up in a variety of colors and y'all can buy them at some arts and crafts stores or online. They're super soft for blending with your fingers or for adding water (and then they have a watercolor effect).
  • Marabu Art Crayons – these are corking alternatives to Gelatos. I've been using them for a long time and can say they're amazingly creamy. You lot tin can activate them with water and their colors are beautiful. Also, I employ them to pigment faces and smear them with my fingers which is such a great and soft effect.
  • Watercolor pencils – just like regular watercolor paints, but they come in pencil form. You paint and depict with them and then add h2o with a brush. Their quality depends on the brand and the paper you're using (of form).
  • Oil pastels – these are highly pigmented and await almost like chalk so you tin easily blend a bunch of colors together really quickly without having to mix them start on your palette.
  • Ink – this comes in many different colors and you can use information technology to draw on your fine art journal paper or whatsoever other surface that accepts ink. Just be conscientious because some inks can leave stains or ruin your surface.
  • Spray paints – they are an fantabulous choice for mixed media: easy to use with wonderful effects. There are many brands and colors to choose from. I accept Marabu Art sprays and they are just great. You tin can spray with them, use them as ink and write with them, etc. And the neat affair: they're waterproof!

Mixed media ephemera & embelishments

paper scraps on art journal spread

So, now that we've talked about tools and paints, I want to share the virtually enjoyable part of mixed media for some people: collecting embellishments and ephemera. Why is this and so enjoyable? Well, information technology'due south fun to sort through erstwhile magazines or pull things from your home and think about how they might be used.

When y'all're choosing what to put in your journal, ask yourself if the material adds something positive – does it make me feel happy? Is there an element of personal history for me that I tin bring into my piece of work? If yes…just do it.

So, what are the most common things yous can use to embellish your mixed media art journal pages? Spoiler: the listing tin go indefinitely :D.

  • old book pages
  • magazines
  • fabric scraps
  • scraps of paper and cardstock
  • buttons, ribbons, or lace trim – annihilation that's made to be decorative
  • doilies or tea bag paper
  • flowers, dried or fabric
  • feathers
  • postcards and photos
  • newspaper punches (gotta love those perforated edges!)
  • notebook pages
  • your child'due south artwork or scribbles
  • wrapping paper
  • onetime maps
  • envelopes, mailers, and onetime letters
  • annihilation that has an interesting texture or colour
  • stickers
  • popsicle sticks – they are great for poking into the paint to make texture or drawing lines

See how many of these yous already have at dwelling house. You don't need to buy annihilation new until you lot're ready for a specific technique or are looking for something in detail.

Your domicile is a treasure chest, I promise you lot.

Where to purchase mixed media art periodical supplies

You can get them in craft stores or online. I'grand going to share some stores that sell mixed media supplies online, as well equally some retailers.

Retailers that sell mixed media supplies:

  • Hobby Lobby has a wide diversity of tools, supplies, and art journals for reasonable prices.
  • The craft store Michael'due south as well has an entire mixed media aisle with lots of wonderful things perfect for creatives.

Online websites with mixed media supplies:

  • Amazon – yous can become well-nigh things here, but I believe the best choices are offered in other stores, similar the ones below.
  • Scrapbook.com – a cute site with amazing products for every creative.
  • Spellbinders – also i of my favorites. They have a huge diverseness of mixed media paints and tools and other decorative materials.
  • Blick Art Store – here, you'll discover all the acrylic paints, watercolors, pens, pencils, inks you might demand.
  • Jerry's Artarama – another good store for art journalists and mixed media artists.

Observe out more: All-time Online Places For Buying Art Journal Supplies

Mixed media art supplies for beginners

Many supplies are good for mixed-media pages but you merely need some of them to create an amazing page with texture, shape, depth, and colour. I've listed the ones I detect easy to use for beginners, and so you don't get overwhelmed or discouraged.

mixed media page with stencil and acrylics

What mixed media tools can a beginner use?

You don't demand a lot of things, but these will go you started and keep yous going until your mixed media collection builds up.

  • Brushes
  • Pencils and pens – Pens like Micron pens work well because they're waterproof.
  • Fingers – the perfect tool that's e'er available.
  • Gift/credit carte – it's a swell replacement for palette knives and lets yous experiment without the overwhelm of a new tool.
  • Sponge – this is a corking tool for mixed media and you lot already have it in your abode. Like shooting fish in a barrel-peasy.
  • Bubble wrap – just splash some pigment on information technology and stamp, the messier…the more than fun yous'll get.

What paints are good for mixed media beginners?

  • Acrylic pigment – easy to work with, dries fast, and you tin encompass large areas with it very easily.
  • Watercolors – although many beginners are scared of these paints, I say you can still use them for adding more color, creating a soft vibe on your page without the pressure level of painting like an expert.
  • Crayons and colored pencils – easy to utilize, and so why non try them?

Final tips on mixed media art supplies

  • Use a good paper for your mixed media art so you lot don't have any worries almost ruining it with watery paint or inks.
  • The best way to use mixed media fine art journal supplies is to experiment with them, so have fun and endeavor all sorts of different combinations. This is the key. If you don't similar what you're doing, just switch to something else. You'll experience a lot better nigh your mixed media art if it's not perfect.
  • Place all of your supplies in a designated infinite and then they are always ready for use and easy to find when the creative urge strikes.
  • Don't overthink things when choosing supplies – merely become for it.
  • If you feel like you lot've made a error with your supplies, only learn from it and move on.
  • You can make a note of what tools and paint you like using together for future reference.
  • Use your supplies. Don't save them for later. If you're afraid of using them because you're not sure what to practise, remember they'll just be a waste later. Y'all'll effigy it out and feel better nigh using the supplies if they're already open.
  • Don't put off starting because it's non perfect or doesn't seem like the correct supplies are around.
  • Mix and friction match your textile to create different textures on paper.
  • Employ diverse combinations of materials to make interesting mixed media pieces that volition stand out.

Mixed media tutorial on YouTube

I want to share some uncomplicated mixed media tutorials on YouTube, then yous can meet how easy it tin can be to make a mixed media folio.

This video will show you how to create a spread with a magazine epitome and some of the mixed media fine art journal supplies I mentioned in this commodity.

It'southward a simple tutorial and yous'll need the following supplies (there are also their alternatives):

  • watercolors (or acrylic paint)
  • a magazine paradigm
  • glue
  • brush
  • stencil
  • texture paste (or acrylic pigment)
  • a souvenir carte/palette knife
  • pen or pencil for jorunaling and outlining


Hit the orange button to join my free Art Periodical Starter Course and start making fine art without staring at the blank page and without the fear of ruining everything. (Spoiler alert: you lot tin can't ruin anything in art journaling).

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Source: https://artfulhaven.com/mixed-media-art-journal-supplies/

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